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Lenovo Unveils CPlus Bending Smartphone Cool!

Lenovo Unveils CPlus Bending Smartphone Cool

Curved screens are all the buzz around the web and devices. You thought it would have been Samsung or Apple. Lenovo has just dropped a doozy of a bendy phone, pretty darn cool! More on that in a minute.

Check this out. At the Lenovo Tech World conference Thursday June 9th, Lenovo launched their new Phab2 Pro and Moto Z series smartphones. Worthy of mention is the Phab2Pro’s use of Google’s Tango technology. It allows you to take your Lenovo Phab2Pro to augment reality to visualize interior design concepts just to skin the surface. The PHAB2 Pro uses three core technologies; motion tracking, depth perception and area learning to sense its surroundings, enabling experiences ranging from AR gaming to virtual object placement.

The new Moto Z Series smartphone with MotoMods features a new modular design. Swap out modules for whatever you need; JBL Soundboost or convert it to a 70 inch movie projector and just add on a crapload of battery life, we’re talking 22 hours additional!

Lenovo Unveils CPlus Bending Smartphone CoolThe power of connectivity is transforming the PC from personal computing to CC – connected computing,” said Yuanqing Yang, CEO, Lenovo. “We’re helping lead this transformation by combining our expertise in hardware innovation with the critical backend cloud platform to help devices listen, see, sense and understand the world. Launching groundbreaking products like the PHAB2 Pro with Google’s Tango technology and Moto’s new Z Series smartphones with Mods in the heart of Silicon Valley shows we’re committed to this strategic technology direction.

Lenovo Unveils CPlus Bending Smartphone CoolWhat stole the show

What stole the show was the unveiling of their bending smartphone. We’re not talkin a little curve or flex… How about wrap it around your wrist bent?! Need to get your hands free for a second? Flex the phone, screen outward around your wrist and bends enough to wear like a bracelet!

Don’t get too excited just yet, it falls into the concept category at this time. The device is far from complete but a basic working version was showcased along side it’s concept folding tablet.

What a surprise, Lenovo out of Left Field with the Bending Smartphone! Who’d a thought. Kudos to Lenovo!
