Going camping is all about being prepared, the more you are the better your camping trip will be. Sleeping is a huge part of camping and laying on bare ground all night can ruin your morning. The new Insulated Double V sleeping pad provides excellent cushion and is wide enough to support two people or give you a little extra room to stretch out on your own.
Klymit’s Insulated Double V measures 47″ x 74″ x 3″ (119 cm x 188 cm x 7.6 cm). Room enough to fit another person next to you. The fit will be a bit tight, more or less depending on the size of the people. Engineered with Klymalite insulation, the double-wide pad is engineered with V Chambers as they are called which limits air movement and the design keeps the air evenly distributed while minimizing bouncing movement when you’re rolling around.
Packing weight is 52 oz (1.47 kg) and you can roll the bag up and engage the buckle for a nice neat package that you can easily secure or toss into your hiking pack.

The Experience
The Double V comes with a convenient carry bag that doubles as the inflation device. The carry bag has an open hole that will marry up to the plug labeled inflate on the sleeping pad. The carry bag raised ribbed port that secures to the inflate hole. The instructions state “20-30 breathes” but you can do without taking any breaths really.
Once you’ve married the two, take the large opening of the carry bag, open it so the volume is full, then simply begin to roll the edge end over end as the air inside is pushed into the sleeping pad cavity, rinse and repeat. Don’t try to rush, push the air as fast as it will let you. Initially seems like your going nowhere just go through the motions. It will take you approx 10 min or slightly less to set up at a comfortable pace.

Space & Comfort Level
Sleeping with another person on the 2-man sleeping pad must be gauged much as you would a tent. A 6-man is good for 4 people, a 4-man tent is really comfortable for 2 people plus gear and have some room to move about in the cabin. Think of the Insulated Double V as a full sized mattress; nice and relatively roomy for one person, can be a bit confining with two unless you sleep like a corpse and don’t mind rubbing up against the person next to you.

Klymit’s Insulated Double V sleeping pad is very well made. The material is rugged; looks and feels very durable. Check out our review of Klymit’s KSB 20 Oversized sleeping bag.
Wrap up
There’s plenty of items you might consider essential to add into your camping gear like a sleeping bag, tent or portable stove and a sleeping pad is one of them. A sleeping pad can really make your night’s sleep much more comfortable. Klymit’s Insulated Double V is very well-made, durable, very comfortable and you can use it year round.
Klymit Insulated Double V $159.95